Announcement of Candidates for Health Professionals RSA UGM in 2011 that Passed Selection Administration (Pengumuman Calon Tenaga Profesional Kesehatan RSA UGM tahun 2011 yang Lolos Seleksi Administrasi)

Pointed to the announcement of the recruitment of health professionals Academic Hospital of the University of Gadjah Mada was uploaded on the website and, the following will be presented a list of names of Candidate Health Professionals UGM-year RSA 2011 that passed the selection and administration.

For those candidates who pass the selection and administration, can follow a written test (assessmen psychology) to be held on:

Day, date: Saturday, December 10, 2011

Time: 08.00 am - completed

Place: Main Room Lt.1. Graha Sabha Pramana, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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